Finance & Economics Special Approval Request

*The Department of Finance and Economics will look at each special approval request in a case by case situation. Please allow us 24 hours to response back in the appropriate way.*

Please note: Faculty do not make decisions regarding registration.

What semester is the override needed for? *
Please select the error message you are receiving: *

*We do not alert students when seats open due to drops.

To get into a closed class: check frequently for open seats in your desired class. This means checking several times a day throughout the registration period, as we do not know when a student may drop and open up a seat.

There are certain dates during the registration period that you will most likely find open seats:

  • Once grades post for a semester, students who do not meet the prerequisite requirement to stay enrolled in a course, will be dropped. Students can check due dates for grades each semester on the academic calendar.
  • The payment deadlines can be found on the Student Business Services website. Students who do not pay their tuition bill or enroll in a payment plan by 6 PM will be automatically dropped from all classes. This may free up some seats in various courses.
  • If you are granted an override you will only have 48 hours to register for that class or your override will be removed.